Canon 537: "Each parish is to have a Finance Council which is regulated by universal law as well as by norms issued by the Diocesan Bishop; in this council the Christian faithful, selected according to the same norms, aid the pastor in the administration of the parish goods with due regard for the prescription of Canon 532."
The Pastor has authority from the Bishop and the universal law of the Church to decide and act on behalf of the parish (Canon 532). The Parish Finance Council is advisory to the Pastor and its decisions/recommendations are valid only when accepted and ratified by the Pastor. The 1983 Revised Code of Canon Law which requires the creation of a Parish Finance Council clearly places in it the competence to assist the Pastor in the administration of parish temporalities.
In the ongoing relationship between the Parish Council and Finance Council, the premier role of the Parish Council as the unifying and coordinating structure of the parish community must be recognized. It is the mission of the Parish Council to work in collaboration with the local Pastor and his Associate Priest(s) in planning, guiding, and directing all aspects of parish life.
In fulfilling its responsibilities, the Parish Finance Council must be directed by the values of the Gospel as well as by good business practice. Efficient and effective use and management of parish resources must be measured as much by their contribution to parish mission and ministry as by commonly accepted business standards.
General OLV Finance Council Policies:
1. OLV will strive to meet monthly operational expenses through the offertory so that special gifts may be used for capital improvements.
2. OLV will save for the future, specifically facilities upkeep. Operating and capital reserves will be maintained at levels approved each year by the Finance Council.
3. OLV will strive to support the school as an essential mission of the parish.